Thursday, October 1

News Flash...News Flash...

Well, at least to us!

Both yesterday and today Olivia woke up from her nap and wore her "big girl panties" all evening until bath time...without any accidents! Yesterday we stayed home all evening but tonight we went to eat at the Cotton Patch and then made a quick trip to Walgreens. My plan is to slowly extend the amount of time she's in her panties...especially when we're at home. She gets so proud of herself when she goes in the potty that our praise seems to be doing the trick. We haven't had to deal with the dreaded #2 yet so I'm fully aware that we haven't conquered the hard part! :)

In addition to this I have to brag that she also ate quite a bit of broccoli at dinner tonight with very little encouragement!

This is a picture from the fair and livestock auction in Caldwell last Friday. Good times!

1 comment:

MNMD said...

Hi, we are headed to Denton for my TWU softball alumni weekend. it is the first time for TWU softball to do this and all my old teammates are flying and driving in for the event. We are going to start driving thursday afternoon and drive to see BJ's mom and dad in west fort worth, then to denton for friday night and saturday, and then to Irving to meet my mom, aunt bonnie, bethany, dakota, baron, and lacey in Irving for Saturday night and then we are leaving Sunday after lunch. It is going to be a whirl wind trip. I know that we are going to be in College Station right before christmas. Hopefully we can get together then.