Sunday, July 29
Happy Anniversary to Us!!
Today we celebrated 7 years of marriage!! The years have literally flown by and we have had such wonderful blessings come our way, especially within the past year. This might be a little bit cheesy but I decided to list 7 things that I love about Koby.
1. I love how Koby can fix just about anything. It doesn't matter if its his Jeep, the toilet, outdoor sensor lights or my curling iron. He doesn't shy away from anything and will always devote at least a couple of hours before even entertaining the thought that outside help might be needed!
2. He is just as much as an animal lover as I am. Plus, he's taught me to appreciate bugs and insects and I think it's super cute that he'll spend 10 minutes trying to "catch and rescue" a spider instead of killing it!
3. He'll watch "What Not to Wear" on TLC with me!
4. He is respectful towards my parents and family. This is something that I didn't realize was so important until I actually saw it happening. Anybody that is married and has in-laws knows that every family operates differently and just because you marry into that family doesn't mean you will agree with or easily adjust to their ways.
To put is simply, he loves my family, my family loves him and that makes me very happy.
5. He is a VERY hard worker and a VERY dependable person.
6. He doesn't hesitate to do things like laundry, dishes, cooking or cleaning. And the best part is that he really does a good job!
7. Last, but definitely not least...he is tall, dark and handsome! How could I resist?!
Thursday, July 26
The Picture Post
A couple of Sunday's ago the church had a "Farewell to the Campbell's" reception after evening services. It was a great success and lots of people and kids came to the parlor for snacks and one "last" time to bid Irene, Philip and the kids farewell. Rosemary enjoyed playing with a cute little girl named Shelby while James did a great job being the photographer and John felt that it was his responsibility to "monitor" the cookie tray! Irene said that he was wired for hours that night...there's no telling how many cookies he ate!
It was really nice that the people he works with (mainly guys)
were willing to join forces and throw us a baby shower! We had a great time and got some wonderful gifts. And the really nice part is that Koby volunteered to write the thank-you notes! How did I get so lucky?!
This is a little cheesy but I'm excited that I will be going to a wedding on Saturday and that means...WEDDING CAKE!! Yes, that makes me very excited and we are going to go to a Babies R' Us store. I've been online a million times but I want to visit one in person! :)
Wednesday, July 25
Update and some more advice please...
Everybody made it back to their destinations in one piece. Irene, mom and the kids had a good flight without any major drama. Mom will be in Delaware until Saturday to help Irene and Philip get their new place set up. Yesterday Irene said that James asked her how many days they were going to be staying in the new place. Irene told him that it was their new home and that they would be there for quite a while...she then asked him why he was wondering. He responded with, "Well, I really like College Station." So, I guess reality hits us all at different times. Hopefully all three kids will adjust with as little confusion as possible.
Koby finally made it home close to midnight on Monday. He had delays both in Philadelphia and Atlanta and then had to drive back home from the airport in Houston. He was absolutely exhausted yesterday.
Now for the advice part...I had such a great response from everybody in the past so I thought I'd try my luck one more time!
I have questions/concerns/issues about the following things. If you have time I would really like to hear your take on them.
Pediatricians (for those in B/CS with Scott & White insurance)- I would like to know who you feel is best and/or if you've heard negative things about any particular doctor.
Crib Mattresses- I've seen them range anywhere between $50-200. Should I go with a happy medium or is there something special about the expensive ones that is important?
Gliders/Ottomans- I've heard lots of moms say that these are just about as essential as diapers and wipes...but they are really expensive. Do you recommend a particular brand/style that is both economical and a quality product? We don't even have a recliner or rocking chair so we will end up needing to buy something.
Nursing Bras- I will be returning to work and pumping so I'd like to have a couple bras that, how should I put it...give the new girls a nice shape under my work clothes. I know I've seen nursing bras at Motherhood, Let's Go Dreaming, Sears and JC Penny's but I'm not sure which are good quality.
I guess that's about it for now. Oh, in case you would like to know, I had my 32 week checkup yesterday and everything is looking normal and progressing nicely. No red flags of any kind! :)
What I'm ExCiTeD about...
Koby's co-workers have organized a shower for us at lunch today. He works with lots of guys and I think it's sweet that they cared enough to organize something. We'll have hamburgers, drinks and cake! Sounds great to me! :)
Monday, July 23
The time has come!
It's 3:30am and Irene, my mom and the kids just left my house to head to the airport in Houston. I've been anticipating this exact moment for quite some time. I've wondered how I was going to feel, what I was going to say, how they were going to react. When Irene told me that their flight was at 7am I was a little bit sad. I guess I thought we would do a big to-do and, for example, if their flight left at 3pm we would spend the whole day laughing and playing and eating...enjoying the final few hours in College Station together. Maybe I'm being dramatic (which I think I might be allowed since it's 3:30am and I'm pregnant) but that's just how I envisioned it. But for some reason I think this way worked out better.
I am sad. I have fears. I have regrets. I have an empty house (except for the dogs) that was once scattered with toys, videos, luggage and most importantly, little, cozy, sleeping bodies.
At the same time I have excitement. I have hope. I have peace. I have joy that John is going to have a new opportunity to help battle his autism. He is a beautiful boy with a sweet heart and he deserves a shot at this new school.
I'm off to go climb in bed and hopefully catch some zzzzz's. I have to go into work tomorrow and try to keep myself composed...yeah, that ought to be interesting. So, goodnight, or good morning...
What I'm ExCiTeD about...
Koby comes home today!! He left on Friday to help Philip make the drive to Delaware and I really miss him.
Tuesday, July 17
New Additions
Thursday, July 12
Baby Got Back!!!
Wednesday, July 11
Falling Behind
This is our baby...Isabella and she L-O-V-E-S to go play disc golf with Koby. She always does really good and stays close. But not this time. Koby took her and Klowie to the park on Saturday afternoon and s
Tuesday, July 3
What's the scoop on the poop?
What I'm ExCiTeD about...
Last night after running some errands I was on my way home and just felt so beat. I then started complaining to myself about being tired, etc..but then *BAHM* it hit me.
There is a human life being created inside my body.
I know what you're thinking. You're 7 months pregnant and this is just now registering??? No, I'm not thaaaat slow (shut up Aaron!). I guess I just tend to overlook the sheer miracle that it truly is. So today I'm excited to be exhausted!!
Monday, July 2
The weekend went by so fast its unbelievable but I had a great time. I got to hang out with my friend JJ on Saturday and then Sunday I got some rest and bought some baby stuff and a dress for myself at the mall. Koby's mom drove in town around dinner time yesterday and we went out for breakfast this morning. It was super yummy!
Anyway, we will be registering for baby stuff soon and I thought I would ask all you moms (and dads) for some advice. I know most things can be returned/exchanged if they don't work, but I want to try to register for the exact thing I need. I'm not too worried about the little stuff, but I could use some advice about things like:
- strollers (I know for sure we want one that is tall-people friendly)
- car seats (safe of course, but I will be dropping baby off, Koby will be picking baby up. Do they make them where you can buy two bases?)
- monitors (want one that will last but not super fancy)
- bassinets/pack-n-plays (absolutely clueless)
- breast pumps (again, clueless)
Any advice would be appreciated!
What I'm ExCiTeD about...
I have an ultrasound tomorrow and I'm very eager to see what baby Olivia looks like now. Last time she moved around a whole bunch but I couldn't feel it because she was still so small. I have a feeling it will be very different this time around! :)