Koby found out today that one of his hook-ups at his job was able to get u
s two tickets to the game this Saturday! We're not playing anybody "big", just Montana State, but it's the first game of the season so you know Kyle field is going to be rocking! I'm so glad that we're getting this chance to see a game...especially for free. How nice is that?! Too bad Olivia's not here yet so she can show off these little onesies that Angela made. :)
My last doctor's appointment was last Friday. He did an exam and said that I was 1 cm dilated and he predicted that I'd deliver early. Olivia is already in position and everything looked good.
I'd be perfectly happy if it happened today, to be honest. I'm ready to meet her and get the labor part out of the way, but selfishly, I'm ready to not be pregnant anymore.
It seems like lately people have been getting on my nerves with their comments. I mean, c'mon, pregnant la
dies have feelings too. I'm sure this has been a gripe among expectant women for ages, but I can't tell you how annoying it is to hear the words, "Wow! You are really big!" Oh, and today, a professor that I work with told me that I looked like I should have had the baby yesterday and that I also looked like I hadn't slept in 3 weeks! Nice.
But all these annoyances are eased when I'm at home lounging around and randomly catch Koby staring at my belly or when he comes up and just lovingly rubs on it...its times like these that I feel like the most beautiful pregnant woman ever despite the 40+ pounds I've gained and my newly attached double chin!